Academic Societies


日本英語学会 The English Linguistic Society of Japan

St. Catharines, ON, Canada

日本英文学会 The English Literary Society of Japan

日本英文学会北海道支部 The English Literary Society of Japan Hokkaido Branch[ photo ]

英語文法語法学会 The Society of English Grammar and Usage

北海学園大学人文学会 HGU Association for the Study of Humanities

日本歴史言語学会 Japan Society for Historical Linguistics pdf ]

アメリカ言語学会 Linguistic Society of America


 言語系学会連合 The United Associations of Language Studies

 日本言語学会 The Linguistic Society of Japan

 日本言語科学会 Japanese Society for Language Sciences

 日本認知科学会 Japanese Cognitive Science Society

 日本語用論学会 The Pragmatics Society of Japan

 大阪言語研究会 The Osaka Institute for Linguistic Studies

 英語史研究会 The Japanese Association for Studies in the History of the English Language


 Chicago Linguistic Society


The Strand of Gingko Trees, Hokkaido University 2010.11.5